Omega Group companies - Jellied products

Jellied products

“OMEGA” BLENDS for products in jelly
Articul Product name Contents Dosage Product specification
CODE: 100260 Product name: Light Mix
Contents:Food gelatin with spices and flavor of onion and celery Dosage:150 g/1 liter of water Characteristic:Recommended for the production of products of all headcheese types and for jellied beef, pork, poultry and fish as well as for meat sausages and smoked products (including technological defective products)made with the addition of marinated vegetables,mushrooms, etc
CODE: 240700 Product name: Zelefix
Contents:High quality gelatin-based jellifying agent. Contains no flavouring components. Dosage:150 g/1 liter of water Characteristic:Recommended for the production of products of all headcheese types and for jellied beef, pork, poultry and fish as well as for meat sausages and smoked products (including technological defective products) made with the addition of marinated vegetables, mushrooms, etc. It is recommended to use both “Zelefix” and  Omega flavour blend to enhance the flavour characteristics of finished product

Recommended for making meat products following recipes based on meat raw materials and meat substitution up to 20%.