Omega Group companies - News


With Christmas Greetings and all Good Wishes for the New Year!  
“AGROPRODMASH” exhibition  annually gathers Russian and foreign manufacturers in search of up-to-date technologies, equipment, raw materials and ingredients for the food and processing industries. 

We look forward to welcoming you at OMEGA’S booth at AGROPRODMASH - 2018, which will take place October 8 -12, 2018in EXPOCENTER Central Exhibition Complex

The “Ingredients Russia” exhibition opened on March 07, 2018 in IEC “Crocus Expo”, Moscow.GK OMEGA members were glad to meet visitors on the company’s booth in pavilion 3, hall 13.

Dear ladies and gentlemen! We look forward to seeing you at GK Omega’s boothat the “Ingredients Russia” exhibition which will be held February 27- March 2, 2018 inMoscow, IEC Crocus Expo pavilion 3, hall 13, booth 201 Milk Department Art.  270 406 OMMILK-K  406 A universal complex b...