Omega Group companies - News


Name of raw material, food ingredients, spices and materials: Pork - 100 kg, The blends of "OMEGA" and ingredients: salt with sodium nitrite (1101) - 0.0075 kg, "Special recipe Rondo" (900210) - 2.0 kg, "Aromax original" (200510) - 0.5 kg

This holiday is a special one for everyone in our country. On this great Day of Remembrance, Victory Day, we congratulate everybody and especially veterans, the main Heroes of the Day. We thank them for their feat, for the lives given to save the country. We wish you all strong health, prosperity,...

Several hundred of companies from different regions of Russia and countries of the world participated in the annual exhibition "Agroprodmash" that took place in the Central Exhibition Complex “Expocentre” from 6 to 10 October this year in Moscow. The Group of Companies “OMEGA” didn’t change its t...

Name of raw materials, food ingredients, spices and materials: Turkey fillet (breast) -8.0 kg, turkey fillet (leg quarter, drumstick) - 35.0 kg, pork brisket - 15.0 kg, Gouda cheese - 12.0 kg, water / ice - 5.0 kg

AGROPRODMASH 2013 is over – it is the largest international exhibition that becomes more and more interesting every year, for both visitors and for exhibitors. About 800 companies from 35 countries presented their products. AGROPRODMASH is in the top 10 ratings leading European exhibitions in the fi...